Archive for the ‘Facebook’ Category


Researching an LP guidebook: Travel ‘n Talk

March 12, 2009

5th edition

5th edition

It has taken months of same-subject dinner conversations. But husband @luefkens (he is the digital media guru @davos) has finally convinced me. For my 6th edition of Lonely Planet’s Provence & the Côte d’Azur (I wrote the 1st in 1998), I am going the full social-media hog.


Using this blog, Twitter and a spanking new Facebook page I have just created (become a fan!), I hope to get a conversation going with anyone and everyone who has something to say on the region I’m researching: a budget shack to die for, a beach bar that’s the biz, what’s up at E-1027, racy screenings at La Friche, bike routes, lighthouse art showings, organic cuisine on a bull farm … I’m indiscriminative.


I’ll regularly post where I am in Provence, what I am looking for, what fun stuff I’ve found (all those gems I just can’t squeeze into the book), and see what happens. I’ll post in French to catch the local crowd and in Marseille I might just try a Tweetup.


Twitravel with @tripalong: send me tips on Twitter

Twitravel with @tripalong: talk to me on Twitter

As part of my pre-trip research and planning – minimum two desk-heavy weeks aka now – I quiz everyone I know in the region on what’s happening, what’s new, what’s not. On the road I travel intensely: I visit everything, I walk to the end of most streets, I work long and hard and I grill pretty much everyone I meet … in the most charming of manners bien sûr – an English gal speaking French is 99.99% foolproof.

Yet the more conversations I have pre-trip, the more leads I glean, the more potential discoveries I can make in situ. With social media’s gargantuan, eager-to-share and often well-informed audience, it would be churlish not to ask. 

I leave for Provence on 22 March 2009. First leg: St-Tropez area.




#twitathlon, what’s that?

March 10, 2009

mlu-twitathlon5Precisely what fantastically zany, wonderfully non-competitive husband @luefkens did on Sunday: 50-odd tweets on skis in 4h30m13s with a theatrical finish to the tune of Oh, Champs Elysées. Hop hop hop and bravo!


Read the tweetsLook at the twitpics. Watch the video. Flop on the couch and see the slideshow